Skinner: "That's Gazua Sackuri." (sp?)
Mulder: "I didn't get his name. I was too busy getting my ass licked- I mean kicked! I mean kicked! He kicked my ass. He didn't lick it... well, he licked it a little." (Episode blooper)
Chris Carter: "People say the show is a very, very dark show, but the show real- ultimately is about hope. It's about two romantic characters looking for something. They're on a quest."
Announcer: "...on the series before, is just how kissing close Scully and Mulder get in this movie! When these two FBI agents finally turn the heat up on their top-secret relationship, it captures the romantic moment millions of fans have been waiting for!"
*FTF clip*
Scully: "So much for anticipating the unforeseen. I had you."
Mulder: "No, you didn't."
Scully: "Oh, yeah. I had ya big time."
Mulder: "You had nothing. C'mon, I saw you jiggle the handle."
*End clip*
Gillian: "It was really close, wasn't it? I mean, it was, like, a millimeter away. It was pretty good. And it was up to me to do the moment where I broke it. It was fun to, like, play with how long we could actually make it last before we actually touched."
Annoucner: "Now, better than the on-screen lip-lock, says Duchovny, is the sizzling, top-secret scene that didn't make it into the movie."
David: "We did it. There was never written that we would be kissing. We did it to our liking, and then we said, 'Let us do one more.' And then, we did the take, and it was bad, but we kept going. And then I kind of pushed Gillian up against the wall, and we acted like, uh- we were humping."
Sheila Larkin: "It sounds clique to say that they're best friends, but they're best friends beyond what lovers could ever be."
Chris Carter: "Scully loves Mulder, and Mulder loves Scully. It's a wonderful romance, it's just not a sexual romance. It's not a physical romance. It is a caring, tender, respectful relationship. It's an ideal, and I would never want to do anything to threaten it- to change it."
Scully: "One of the things that keeps people watching, and keeps the aliveness between us, is- are, are those moments where there is that intimacy. Where, even just, the touch of a hand can be the same as, you know, making love in another series."
Mulder: "It's like the one friend, I guess, that he has in this world. I mean, I heard a phrase once, somebody was talking about their wife. This was a person who was very inept socially, not the wife, but the man. There were many things said about him that weren't kind, and he said, 'My wife, who is lovely and social and everything like that, is my human credential.' It like makes him a human being because people think, 'If, well, if she can stand him, he must have some humanity within him.' And I- sometimes I think about Scully as Mulder's human credential. It's the only thing that makes him not crazy in many ways." (From "Inside The X-Files")
From "Inside The X-Files," a collection of bloopers. A lot of very cute Gillian laughs.
Gillian: "Hi, this is Gillian Anderson, Agent Dana Scully, on the Kevin and Bean Christmas Album."
David: "And David Duchovny, Agent Fox Mulder, from the X-Files. This holiday season, trust no one. Not even Santa Claus."
Gillian: "Mulder, Santa Claus isn't real. He's a folk legend; any 8 year-old child could tell you that."
David: "What about the proof, Scully?"
Gillian: "What proof?"
David: "The crap, Scully. It was reindeer crap. You analyzed it yourself."
Gillian: "So it's reindeer crap! Reindeer do that too, you know."
David: "On the roof, Scully. How do you explain that?"
Gillain: "There could be a thousand explanations. Maybe some kids put it up there as a prank. Maybe the reindeer ate Mexican."
David: "All right, then how do you explain what we found on that half-eaten plate of cookies?"
Gillian: "All we found were a few white beard hairs. Kenny Rodgers could have been up here. We don't know. They could have come from anyone."
David: "No. Not just anyone. There's someone out there. Yes, Dana, there is a Santa Claus."
Gillian: "Oh, Fox. Forget about that stuff. It's Christmas! Hey, I'm gonna buy your gift tonight. What do you want?"
David: "The truth, Scully. All I want is the truth. And a pony."
David: "I'm like, 'Ah! No arms! Oh, wow, look at her fight!' I'm like, 'But I've got no - hey, nice kick- no arms!' You know, it's like, you want something like that we'll go back- 'Nooo, ah-!' It's like that the whole time." (About the Scully Kung Foo sequence from "Kill Switch")
David as Mulder: "It feels like there's a flying saucer in my pants!" (SNL May 9, 1998)